Zenaida Alzaga
To address the challenges posed by the evolution and proper management of information systems and Internet-connected devices, the Cybersecurity Club has been established. Endorsed by the Cybersecurity Laboratory at the Centro de Investigación en Computación (CIC), the club is composed of polytechnic students from various programs in the Physical-Mathematical Sciences area.
Dr. Eleazar Aguirre Anaya, head of the Cybersecurity Laboratory and leader of the group, along with Hugo Sebastián Pacheco Rodríguez, a doctoral student in Computer Science and the club's founder, emphasized that advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and computer networks enhance security by protecting information within devices. These devices interact with the environment through sensors that detect motion, location, sound, and light, among other factors.
The club was created to meet the need for training students in the use of security tools employed in the industry for defense, evaluation, and forensic analysis, offering a fully practical approach.
Experts noted that students develop skills to utilize tools based on best practices and international recommendations. The goal is to adequately protect technological infrastructures and prevent potential vulnerabilities.
In addition to practical skills, the Cybersecurity Club instills values of social responsibility in the proper use of technology and ethical conduct. Members will be responsible for maintaining the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information systems, networks, and the data they generate, process, transmit, or store.
Pacheco Rodríguez puntualizó que actualmente brindan capacitación principalmente a estudiantes de la Escuela Superior de Cómputo (Escom), de la Unidad Profesional Interdisci plinaria en Ingeniería y Tecnologías Avanzadas (UPIITA) y de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (ESIME), Unidad Zacatenco.
He added that prospective members are encouraged to have foundational knowledge of computing, networks, algorithms, mathematics, and operating systems like Unix or Linux, be enrolled at the polytechnic, and possess a passion for learning.
Gaceta Politécnica #1826. (November 15th, 2024). IPN Imagen Institucional: Read the full magazine in Spanish here.