Program / Computer Systems Engineering
To train Computer Systems Engineers with solid scientific and technological preparation in the fields of software and hardware development, who propose, analyze, design, develop, implement and manage computer systems based on state-of-the-art technologies and national and international quality methodologies, norms, and standards; leaders of multidisciplinary and multicultural work teams, with a high sense of ethics and responsibility.
Candidate's Profile
Applicants to study this program should have knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science. It is also desirable to have knowledge of English. Likewise, they should have skills such as analysis and synthesis of information, logical reasoning, and oral and written expression. As well as attitudes of respect and responsibility.
Solid knowledge and skills in Mathematics:
- Algebra,
- Analytical Geometry,
- Geometry and Trigonometry,
- Differential and Integral Calculus in one variable,
- Knowledge of Physics (Mechanics and Electrostatics),
- General knowledge of current issues in Science and Technology,
- General knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies, Technical/Basic English (reading comprehension).
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis,
- Willingness for self-learning and autonomous work, interest in research, technological vision, interest in problema-solving, willingness for collaborative work, skill in the use of mobile technologies and internet resources, effective communication.
Know how to be and live together:
Scientific curiosity, responsibility, honesty, persistence, tolerance for failure, tolerance for diversity, participatory and collaboration, honesty in handling information, adaptability to change, and resilience to difficulties.
Graduate's profile
Graduates of the Computer Systems Engineering academic program will be able to work in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams in the fields of software and hardware development, supporting their professional performance in ethical values and social responsibility, with a focus on leadership and sustainability in the public and private sectors.
The attributes of the graduate are:
- Model problems in computational systems from knowledge of basic sciences and engineering.
- Solve problems in computational systems, based on the methodology of development, analysis of results, and decisión-making.
- To develop computer systems according to design processes, quality standards, and process optimization.
- Integrate leadership skills, effective communication, and collaborative work for task planning, goal accomplishment, and risk analysis.
- Assume an ethical and critical attitude in their academic performance that considers their economic, social, and environmental impact and recognizes their needs for permanent updating.
- Knows the main norms and quality standards, national and international for the development of software systems.
- Knows the characteristics of the programming paradigms for the development of a computer system.
- Fluently handles the fundamentals of Algorithmics.
- Knows the fundamentals of administration and programming of a Database Management System (DBMS).
- Knows the current Internet technologies for the development of Web applications.
Know how
- Designs efficient algorithms for the solution of computational problems.
- Develops information systems based on the life cycle, norms, and national and international standards.
- Develops computational systems from hardware and software components connected through network protocols.
- Implements computer systems through the design of software architectures based on design patterns for the implementation of systems.
- Implements computational systems that mimic the behavior of a human being.
- Designs and redesigns production processes for automation.
- Describes the different types of networks, protocols, and security schemes to guarantee the reliable exchange of information.
- Identifies the different programmable logic devices to offer logic circuit solutions for a specific application.
Know how to be and live together
- Integrates and participates effectively with inter- and multidisciplinary as well as multicultural groups.
- Communicates efficiently in his professional and personal environment.
- Has the habit of autonomous learning.
- Assumes an attitude of tolerance, conflict management, and risk prevention during the management of computer projects.
Academic Requirements
The requirements to become a student at the Institute are:
- To comply with the academic background and other requirements indicated in the respective call for applications.
- To take the admission exam for the higher level.
- To be selected for admission.
Work Field
The Computer Systems Engineer works in the private, public, academic, and free practice sectors and free practice of the profession.
Free practice of the profession:
- Independently rendering professional services to the public and private sectors.
- Forming formal companies that provide their computational services to the various sectors.
Public sector:
- Participating in the automation of administrative processes in governmental entities at all levels, as well as developing specialized software to meet the specific requirements of government agencies.
Private sector:
- They work as designers and developers, leaders and administrators of computational projects in national and international computational projects, in transformation, service and commercial companies, national and international.
Academic sector:
- Joining educational institutions of higher education and/or higher as teachers and researchers. Joining research centers and participating in activities such as the development of new technologies, knowledge dissemination, and teaching.
Curriculum Map
Check the list of subjects, credits and total hours of the program in: