IPN Approves 2023-2024 Calls for Admission for Middle Highschool and Undergraduates Levels

IPN Approves 2023-2024 Calls for Admission for Middle Highschool and Undergraduates Levels

Correspond to school, non-school and mixed modalities.

They are available for consultation on the institution's website: www.ipn.mx

The Consejo General Consultivo (General Consultative Council) of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) has approved the Admission Announcements for the 2023-2024 School Cycle for admission to the Middle Highschool and Undergraduate Education levels in the Non-School, Mixed, and School modalities, the latter including the Centros de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos (Cecyt) 16, Hidalgo; 17, León, Guanajuato; and 18, Zacatecas. During the Fourth Ordinary Session of the XLI Consejo General Consultivo (General Consultative Council), headed by the General Director of the IPN, Arturo Reyes Sandoval, the calls for applications were approved and will be published on the institutional website www.ipn.mx according to the following criteria:

  1. The Call for Applications for Undergraduate Level in School Mode period 24/1 (August-December 2023), will be published on February 24; the online registration application from February 24 to March 24, 2023; the delivery of the registration application and issuance of the examination form from March 26 to March 30; the admission test will be applied online on June 10 and 11 and the publication of results on July 23, starting the school term on August 28.

  2. The Call for Applications for Undergraduate Level in School Mode period 24/2 (January-June 2024) will be published on February 24; the registration application from July 24 to August 31, 2023; the submission of the registration application and issuance of the exam form from September 4 to 8; the admission exam will be administered online on September 30 and October 1; the publication of results on October 22, starting the school period in January 2024.

  3. The Call for Applications for Undergraduate Level in Non-School and Mixed Modality will be published on February 24; the application for registration will take place from February 24 to March 24, 2023; submission of the application for registration and issuance of the exam form on March 25; application of the online admission exam on May 13; publication of results on May 27; and the beginning of the school year will be July 18, 2023.

  4. The Call for Applications for Middle Highschool Level in Non-School and Mixed Modality will be published on February 24; obtaining the registration application from February 24 to March 24, 2023; the submission of the registration application and issuance of the exam form on March 24; online admission exam on May 13; publication of results on May 27 and the beginning of the school year on July 18, 2023.

  5. The Call for Applications for Middle Highschool Level in School Mode for Cecyt 16, Hidalgo; 17, León, Guanajuato; and 18, Zacatecas, will be published on February 10; the registration application from February 10 to March 24, 2023; the submission of registration application and issuance of exam form on April 3; the online admission exam on May 26; the publication of results on July 14 and beginning of the school year on August 28, 2023.

The head of Servicios Educativos (Educational Services) of the IPN, Ana Lilia Coria Páez, emphasized that the online exam, in addition to representing a saving, is an option for applicants who do not have the resources to travel to the exam site or live in other countries.