
This section contains all the information required for international students to begin the admissions process to the IPN. You will be able to learn about the application procedure for any of the IPN's professional and postgraduate programs in Physical-Mathematical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Social and Administrative Sciences, and Interdisciplinary Sciences.

Undergaduate & Graduate Offer

To know in detail the careers, specialties and postgraduate degrees offered by the IPN, select one of the following options:

Research Centers

Currently, the IPN has 20 research centers. In addition, in the institute's higher education schools, research projects are also carried out through the graduate studies and research sections (SEPI).

List of research and postgraduate centers:

How to Apply

The call for admission to the Politécnico is only issued once a year. This usually happens during the months of January and February, so keep an eye on or our official social networks.

You can consult the calls for the admission process to Middle High school and Undergraduate Level in its schooling and non-schooling modalities in the IPN admissions page.

Admission Process

The process of entering the IPN consists of various procedures that you must attend, especially because you will require certain documents and information to complete your registration:


What will you need?

Online registration

E-mail, CURP, high school diploma

Payment of examination fee

Check the admissions website for the exam fees.

Required documents

High school certificate, photograph and proof of payment.

Obtaining an examination form

E-mail address and date of birth

Application of the admission test

Computer with Internet access

Results consultation

Folio and date of birth

It is important that you have the documentation asked in the IPN call for applications on hand in order to accelerate your registration procedure and avoid difficulties.

You must first register on the official IPN website. You'll need your CURP, your high school password, and an email address that you'll use throughout the procedure.

You will also need to know your grade point average and the careers you wish to apply for at this time. Keep in mind that you have three selections as long as they are in the same field.

You will receive your Registration Application Form at the end of this phase. According to the prior procedure, you must bring your documents in person to the IPN facilities listed.